Dentistry, Lábatlan 1 clinic (4 Dentist, 4 Orthodontist, 4 Dental technician, 4 Dental assistant, 4 Oral surgeon)
Description, questionsTooth Whitening, Lábatlan
The bleaching systems known in many forms. Household: placing a splint on the teeth, which is used with a bleaching agent. The rail may fit teeth, individual or general. Order Accounting: In this case, in addition to proper isolation tend to use a special whitening lamp is applied to the surface of teeth to activate the gel that achieves quick results. Hybrid: A combination of surgery and home, which thus makes the treatment less expensive. Interior: One-on-one, mostly in root canal treated tooth bleaching.
Lifting Bite Splint, Lábatlan
Lifting rail bite in case you need if you want to nighttime teeth grinding phenomenon and mitigate its adverse consequences on the teeth.
Laser Treatment, Laser Therapy, Lábatlan
The soft laser can be used in the areas of pain, reducing inflammation, stimulating healing, to promote bone healing, treatment of oral diseases.